The Best Probiotics For IBS Diarrhea

The Best Probiotics For IBS Diarrhea

Irritable Bowel Syndrome with diarrhea is not a walk in the park. Having to go to the bathroom so frequently with IBS-D could really put a damper on your daily activities. However, with the right supplements, IBS-D could be controlled. The best supplement to take for IBS-D is Probiotics, but you're probably wondering exactly which supplements you should be taking. 

In this article, we will be going over some factors you should consider with IBS-D along with the best probiotics for IBS-D.

What Things Make IBS-D Worse? 

It's good to take a supplement like a Probiotic to help battle IBS-D, but taking a supplement doesn't really matter if you don't take other precautions to go along with it. Below we will go over some of the things that you should try to avoid if you have IBS-D.

Fried Foods

Specifically, because of the high-fat content, fried foods are probably the worst thing you could consume when it comes to IBS-D. This is because foods high in fat, especially unhealthy fats, are hard to digest and could lead to much worse symptoms.


Everyone reacts differently, but dairy could be a trigger for some people with IBS-D and it's recommended to at least see how you feel when having dairy. If you feel worse after having it, then it could be wise to stay away from dairy products.

Too Much Fiber

Having fiber could ease the symptoms of IBS-D, however, if you consume too much fiber, it could have the opposite effect and make your symptoms worse.


If you're someone who has the occasional drink in order to get rid of some stress, this may not be a great idea if you're dealing with IBS-D. This is because alcohol is a gut irritant, and decreases our ability to digest carbohydrates. This usually results in worsened symptoms when it comes to IBS-D.


Caffeine could speed up your gut motility. What this means is your body would process food in a shorter amount of time. For those with diarrhea, this could lead to going to the bathroom much more frequently, making an already annoying problem, even more annoying.

Processed Foods

Processed foods could be a very big problem for people suffering from IBS-D. This is because processed foods have a lot of additives that could exacerbate the symptoms of IBS-D. Some of the most common processed foods to stay away from are candies, chips, and processed meats.


Stress in life is impossible to avoid altogether, but if you could do certain things to keep stress at bay, you'll probably see an improvement in your IBS-D symptoms. Our bodies have a gut and brain connection, so when the brain becomes overstimulated, our gut activity could follow. This leads to increased symptoms. 

Artificial Sweeteners and Sugar

Last but not least, people with IBS-D should stay away from artificial sweeteners and too much sugar. Sugars, including table sugar (sucrose) and natural sugars found in fruits and vegetables, can stimulate the gut to put out water and electrolytes. This can lead to loose bowel movements, which may cause diarrhea if consumed in large amounts.

When it comes to artificial sweeteners, our bodies cannot fully digest them. This causes more stress on the digestive system which can lead to worsen IBS-D symptoms.

What Can Probiotics Do For IBS-D Symptoms?

Now that you know the things you should stay away from before supplementing with probiotics, it's time to go into what exactly probiotics can do for IBS-D.

Restores Gut Balance: The balance of good bacteria and bad bacteria in your gut is important for overall health. Maintaining a good balance will help relieve symptoms of IBS-D.

Reduces Inflammation In The Gut: Inflammation in the gut is the number one cause of diarrhea with IBS-D. This is because Inflammation in the intestine reduces the absorption of sodium and water while increasing fluid leakage, leading to loose and watery stools. By reducing the inflammation with the use of Probiotics, IBS-D symptoms will drastically improve.

Enhances Gut Barrier Function: a strong gut barrier prevents the entry of pathogenic microorganisms and toxic molecules into the bloodstream, which can trigger inflammation and worsen IBS-D symptoms.

Regulating Bowel Movements: Probiotics purge waste out of your system which allows for regular bowel movements. This is beneficial for people with IBS-D since it helps to regulate their stool and decreases the number of times they may need to use the bathroom.

Now that we've covered the things to avoid when dealing with IBS-D and the benefits of using probiotics to manage symptoms, it's time to dive into the best probiotics for IBS-D. 

With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to choose the right one. However, by understanding what to look for in a probiotic and considering your specific needs, you can find the best probiotic to help alleviate your IBS-D symptoms.

What Probiotic Strains Are Best For IBS-D

The last thing we’ll cover before discussing the very best supplement for IBS-D are the best strains of probiotics. This way you have a way to look at the supplements we mention and know that they are effective in treating your symptoms.

Lactobacillus Plantarum

Lactobacillus Plantarum is a powerful ingredient that can enhance the beneficial bacteria in your gut, thereby supporting your digestive health and helping to ward off harmful pathogens that can lead to illness. In addition to promoting healthy gut flora, Lactobacillus Plantarum has been shown to stimulate the production of essential vitamins that can boost your immune system and aid in the fight against harmful bacteria. Choosing a supplement that includes Lactobacillus Plantarum is a great option with IBS-D.

Bifidobacterium Longum

Another beneficial probiotic strain is Bifidobacterium Longum, which is naturally found in the gut. Taking probiotic supplements that include this strain could help with improving digestion, boosting your immune system, and preventing the growth of harmful bacteria.

Bifidobacterium infantis

If your symptoms of gas and bloating are severe, taking a supplement with Bifidobacterium infantis is necessary. 

Lactobacillus Paracasei

Lactobacillus Paracasei is another great strain to have included in your Probiotic supplement. It can help with things such as skin health, gut health (intestinal microflora, IBS, diverticular disease, diarrhea, constipation, intestinal barrier, GI inflammation), and last but not least it could boost your immunity.

Lactobacillus Helveticus

The strain of bacteria known as L. Helveticus has been found to provide potential benefits for those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome with diarrhea. It’s a great strain to have in your supplement because it has a multitude of positive effects including, the prevention of gastrointestinal infections and enhanced protection against harmful pathogens. On top of that it has been found to modulate the immune response of the host and influence the composition of the intestinal microbiota. 

Lactobacillus Rhamnosus

Next up is Lactobacillus Rhamnosus which is also a great probiotics strain for IBS-D. First off Lactobacillus Rhamnosus is known for treating diarrhea, whether it’s from antibiotics or from IBS symptoms. It’s known for strengthening the gut barriers and restoring balance to the natural gut flora. On top of those benefits, Lactobacillus Rhamnosus increases the production of short-chain fatty acids, which have many health benefits (as you’ll see below).

Lactobacillus acidophilus

Lactobacillus acidophilus has many benefits when it comes to IBS-D. It’s known for reducing diarrhea caused by various factors including IBS-D. If you struggle from other symptoms including bloating, stomach pain, and other IBS symptoms, Lactobacillus acidophilus could help relieve those as well.

Streptococcus Thermophilus

Commonly found in yogurt and cheese production, Streptococcus Thermophilus is a lactic acid bacterium that is an effective strain for people suffering from IBS-D. It is proven to reduce acute diarrhea and antibiotic-induced diarrhea. This strain is known for helping other strains within a supplement grow and survive for a longer period of time. 

Digestive Vibrance - The Best Probiotic Supplement For IBS-D

Digestive Vibrance is one of the most complete supplements in terms of digestive health. Digestive Vibrance contains 8 strains of 100 Billion CFUs, Prebiotics, and a bunch of other beneficial ingredients when it comes to the health of your digestive tract.

Below we will dive into why Digestive Vibrance is the best supplement for IBS-D. 

Probiotics Within Digestive Vibrance For IBS-D

There are several strains of probiotics that have been shown to be effective in combating diarrhea, including Lactobacillus plantarum, Bifidobacterium longum, Bifidobacterium infantis, Lactobacillus paracasei, Lactobacillus helveticus, Lactobacillus rhamnosus, Lactobacillus acidophilus, and Streptococcus thermophilus. Each of these strains has unique properties that contribute to their effectiveness in treating diarrhea. 

For example, Lactobacillus acidophilus produces lactic acid, which can help prevent harmful bacteria from colonizing the intestines, while Streptococcus thermophilus can help break down food, absorb nutrients, and fight off unfriendly organisms. Additionally, Bifidobacterium infantis has been shown to reduce inflammation in the gut and improve the overall health of the digestive system. Overall, the combination of these strains can provide a powerful defense against diarrhea and other digestive issues.

100 Billion CFUs of these strands in combination is a surefire way to beat IBS-D and restore balance in your gut microbiome. 

Prebiotics and Fermentable Fibers In Digestive Vibrance

Within Digestive Vibrance there are Prebiotics and Fermentable Fibers which help increase the effectiveness of the Probiotics in Digestive Vibrance. Let's take a dive into those ingredients and how they could possibly help with IBS-D.

Acacia Gum: Acacia gum is a type of dietary fiber that is highly soluble in water. It is a great option for individuals with IBS-D (Irritable Bowel Syndrome with Diarrhea) or those who are sensitive to FODMAPs (Fermentable Oligo-, Di-, Mono-saccharides, And Polyols), as it is very low in calories and is slowly fermented in the gut (which we talked about above). This means that it has a minimal impact on the fiber content in the intestine and is easily digested and tolerated by the body. 

Psyllium Seed Powder: Psyllium Seed Powder significantly helps diarrhea by acting as a sponge and soaking up a significant amount of water in the digestive tract, making the stool less watery and more solid. 

Wheat Grass: WheatGrass helps detoxify the gut, which in return gets rid of inflammation. Less inflammation equals more efficient digestive systems and fewer symptoms when it comes to IBS-D.

Condition Specific Ingredients

Amino Acids: Think of amino acids as construction workers that help repair a damaged house. During diarrhea, the gut lining can become inflamed and damaged, making it difficult for nutrients to be properly absorbed. Amino acids, like the construction workers, come in and build new tissues to repair the damage. They also reduce inflammation in the gut, like putting out a fire in the house. This makes it easier for the gut to absorb the nutrients it needs to function properly.

Magnesium and Calcium Butyrate: There are many benefits to Magnesium and Calcium Butyrate including detoxifying the gut and reducing inflammation.

Antioxidants: Antioxidants can help with IBS-D by reducing inflammation in the gut. Inflammation is a common symptom of IBS-D and can lead to a variety of uncomfortable symptoms. Antioxidants work by neutralizing harmful free radicals in the body that can cause inflammation and damage to cells in the gut lining.

Why Digestive Vibrance Is a Trustworthy Choice for IBS-D

The ingredients named within Digestive Vibrance all help with IBS-D, but now let's look even further as to why Digestive Vibrance is a trustworthy choice for the majority of people suffering from IBS-D.

Third-Party Tested

Supplement companies can talk about their ingredients all they want, but if the quality and safety of the product aren't verified by an outside source, then it's not worth a grain of salt. Digestive Vibrance is third-party tested to ensure all the ingredients are of the freshest quality and that they are free from contaminants.

Ingredient Transparency

Digestive Vibrance tells you everything you're getting on the label. For instance, the 8 strains of Probiotics are specified, along with their CFU count. Other supplements don't always state how much of each strain is included, leaving you to wonder how much of each strain is actually included. This is also true with the extra ingredients within Digestive Vibrance. While most companies will just put "antioxidant blend" on their label, Digestive Vibrance actually names the specific antioxidants they use and the amounts of each included.

#2 Green Vibrance

Green Vibrance is another great supplement you could take in order to support your digestive system while dealing with IBS-D. In comparison to Digestive Vibrance, Green Vibrance only has 25 Billion CFUs with 12 strains. The 25 Billion CFUs are 1/4th the number of probiotics compared to Digestive Vibrance. 

However, Green Vibrance may be good for people looking to help their digestive health but also their overall health as well.

In comparison to the 3 different categories that Digestive Vibrance has, Green Vibrance has 10 different categories of ingredients (as you could see above).

Can You Combine Digestive Vibrance And Green Vibrance For Maximum Benefit?

Since both products have probiotics, it's not recommended to take both supplements at the same time. However, if you want to combine them, it's recommended to take half the dosage of each product, instead of the full dose. This way you are getting the benefits from both supplements without overloading your digestive system. 


Both Digestive Vibrance and Green Vibrance are solid supplements when it comes to dealing with IBS-D. It really comes down to factors like what other benefits you may want in addition to helping your digestive system, and whether or not you want the maximum amount of probiotics. 

If you want to give either of these a try, go to our shop now and choose the one you feel is right for you! Also, we have a good amount of resources when it comes to education on our blog. Click here to check that out as well!