The Best Multivitamins for Energy Boost

The Best Multivitamins for Energy Boost

While multivitamins can help support your overall nutrient intake and promote overall wellness, some formulas offer additional benefits—like increasing energy and preventing tiredness. 

What’s the best multivitamin for energy? At the end of the day, the perfect formula should offer the right balance of key vitamins and minerals, innovative ingredients proven to boost energy, and consistent results. 

In this guide, we’re breaking down exactly what to look for in the perfect energy-boosting multivitamin. We’ll touch on some of the potential causes of fatigue, explore the micronutrients to look for in a vitamin, and uncover the top three options on the market now.

Jump straight to:

What’s the Root Cause for Low Energy Levels?

Before we get to the best multivitamins for tiredness, let’s answer a central question: Why are you so drained in the first place? 

Experts have a few different theories:

  • Life moves fast – To keep up with our fast-paced lifestyles, many of us turn to quick food fixes that save time—fast food, processed snacks, and more. Unfortunately, these foods don’t always feature the nutrients we need to stay alert. Foods low in essential nutrients and high in refined sugars lead to a quick surge of energy, followed by a hard crash; this, in turn, leaves us feeling even more sluggish and tired.
  • Cycles are hard to break – As you try to survive on low energy levels, it becomes more difficult to solve the problem because you’re low on energy. It's a paradox: the faster we try to move, the more drained we end up feeling, and the harder it becomes to put effort into making more mindful choices. To break free from this pattern, it's crucial to slow down and take time to think about what you’re putting on your plate.
  • You may not be eating enough When you don’t have time for breakfast, you may just grab a cup of coffee instead. When you’re running late for soccer practice, you might subsist on snacks rather than eating a proper dinner. In these scenarios, you’re not just missing out on nutrient-dense foods—you’re missing out on foods to begin with

One way you might solve this problem? Finding a nutritional safety net, like a multivitamin or superfoods . It should bridge the gap between the ideal diet we aspire to and the reality of our on-the-go eating habits.

What are the Best Vitamins & Minerals for Optimal Energy Levels

Multivitamins are specialized formulas containing many of the micronutrients we need to thrive. But which specific vitamins and minerals should you look for in search of multivitamins for energy boost effects?

Take a look below at our top 7 science-backed recommendations.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A has long been considered one of the most important vitamins for energy production in the human body. 

In fact, although Vitamin A wears many hats, most of them are related to energy production in some way:

  • ATP production – Research has found that, when cells are deprived of vitamin A, their ATP synthesis drops to minimal levels. ATP is the basis for cellular energy. 
  • Immune function – Vitamin A also plays a key role in the immune system. Illness (even something as minor as a cold) is a precursor to fatigue in almost every case, so supporting a healthy immune system with Vitamin A is key. 
  • Cell growth – Our cells are constantly dying and being replenished by fresh cells. Vitamin A supports the cell turnover process, keeping every component of our bodies operating at full strength.
  • Vitamin B12

    Vitamin B12 is essential for:

  • Managing glucose – Glucose (a type of sugar) is a key ingredient in cellular energy production. Since B12 and insulin function are closely related, B12 deficiency can prevent blood glucose from breaking down for use in cellular energy production. 
  • Healthy blood composition – The body needs B12 to form red blood cells—the cells that carry oxygen around the body. 
  • Because Vitamin B12 plays an undeniable role in energy metabolism, a deficiency may make you feel sluggish. 

    Vitamin C

    Vitamin C doesn’t provide fuel to the body on its own, but it does:

  • Prevent oxidative stress – Since it’s a powerful antioxidant, Vitamin C can help your body fight free radicals. Free radicals cause oxidative stress, which may play a role in respiratory and cardiovascular illnesses.
  • Support immune function – Often used as a supplement to shorten colds, Vitamin C helps the immune system recover from illnesses quickly.
  • Improve iron absorption from plant sources – Iron is a vital component of healthy red blood cell production, and Vitamin C can increase your body’s absorption of nonheme iron—iron found in plant foods. 
  • All of these functions can contribute to feeling healthy, well, and energized.

    Vitamin D3

    Vitamin D3 may play a direct role in fatigue: a recent study found that correcting a Vitamin D3 deficiency significantly improved fatigue symptoms in participants. 

    Vitamin D3 also promotes healthy bone growth and maintenance—a must for older generations or young people facing bone density loss. 

    Read more: Vitamin D: SO Much More than Just a Vitamin 

    Vitamin E

    Yet another antioxidant that can protect against oxidative stress (and its associated conditions), Vitamin E is a must-have micronutrient for people looking to boost their energy. Why? Vitamin E:

    • Helps protect the immune system against threats from bacteria and viruses
    • Prevents blood clots by promoting vasodilation (the widening of blood vessels)
    • Plays a role in cellular signaling and function


    Selenium, a key mineral, has two critical functions related to energy management:

  • Supporting thyroid function – Selenium is essential for the production of thyroid hormones. These hormones contribute to bodily functions directly related to energy metabolism, like modulating your basal metabolic rate.
  • Preventing oxidative stress – You might be noticing a theme: antioxidants like selenium help promote overall wellness and health by preventing oxidative stress-related illnesses.
  • Zinc

    You may already know that zinc is a powerful immune system component—like Vitamin C, supplementing with zinc can help shorten colds. However, the body also needs zinc to break down carbohydrates into their component parts, and these compounds are the building blocks for cellular energy production. 

    What to Look for in Multivitamins for Energy

    Choosing a multivitamin that effectively boosts energy levels is about more than just picking a bottle off the shelf. It's about understanding what makes a multivitamin good for energy in the first place. The best multivitamins for energy offer:

  • A comprehensive nutrient profile – An effective energy-boosting multivitamin should contain a broad spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

  • Bioavailable vitamins and minerals – When it comes to multivitamins, bioavailability is a game-changer. It's not just about what's in your multivitamin; it's about what your body can actually take and use. Bioavailability refers to how well a nutrient is absorbed and enters the body's circulation, ready to be put to work.

  • A synergistic formula – Vitamins and minerals work best when they work together. A good multivitamin for energy should have a formula where the ingredients complement and enhance each other's effects.

  • Appropriate dosages – When it comes to vitamins and minerals, more isn't always better. The dosages of each nutrient should align with daily recommended values, taking into account what you might already be getting from your diet. That said, avoid proprietary blends that don’t disclose the dosages.

  • Quality and purity – Look for multivitamins that are third-party tested for quality and purity. This ensures that what's on the label is what's in the bottle, without harmful levels of contaminants. A good multivitamin also shouldn't contain excessive fillers, artificial colors, or preservatives that could do more harm than good.

  • Trustworthy manufacturing – Choose a multivitamin from a reputable brand with a track record of transparency and quality.
  • Perhaps most importantly, the best multivitamin is one that’s tailored to your needs. Whenever you choose a supplement, consider your personal dietary needs, lifestyle, and any specific health concerns. For example, if you follow a plant-based diet, you may need a multivitamin with higher levels of Vitamin B12 and iron.

    The Best Multivitamins for Energy Boost on the Market

    With all of the above in mind, let’s dive into the three brands making waves in today’s multivitamin market

    Best Overall: Trilogy by Vibrant Health

    Shop Trilogy, a multivitamin for energy boost

    The very best multivitamin for energy is Trilogy. Their unique approach harmonizes a trio of health essentials into one dynamic capsule. By combining a full-spectrum multivitamin, omega-3s, and a comprehensive probiotic into a single dose, Trilogy is a sure way to make sure you have energy on a regular basis.

    Trilogy includes key components like:

    • Vitamin A
    • Vitamin B12
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin D3
    • Vitamin E
    • Selenium
    • Zinc
    • Omega-3 fatty acids
    • Probiotics

    While we’ve already touched on the energy benefits of the vitamins and minerals on this list, let’s take a look at Trilogy’s more novel multivitamin inclusions: omega-3s and probiotics. 

    Omega-3s support:

  • Metabolism – Omega-3 fatty acids can help boost the body’s resting metabolic rate (RMR). Increasing RMR may make you feel more alert and energized throughout the day.
  • Heart healthOmega-3s are one type of polyunsaturated fats—healthy fats that protect our heart and prevent strokes. 
  • Exercise recovery – Since omega-3s promote muscle recovery after exercise, they may help reduce soreness and help you stay at the top of your game.
  • Multiple reviews for Trilogy highlight its energy-boosting effects, immune support, and gut wellness benefits.

    Overall, Trilogy takes a comprehensive approach to boosting energy, making it a perfect match for anyone looking for a multivitamin for complete energy support. 

    Read more: Can You Take Multivitamins With Probiotics? 

    Best for Active People: Transparent Labs Multivitamin

    Transparent Labs Multivitamin


    For people looking for a boost in energy, vitality, and overall health, the Transparent Labs Multivitamin is an excellent option.

    In addition to traditional multivitamin ingredients (like Vitamins B12 and C), this unique formula includes two additional ingredients that may offer enhanced energy support:

    • Ashwagandha – Ashwagandha may help support increased energy levels via adrenal support. By helping to manage adrenal function (and thyroid function, for that matter), ashwagandha may help provide an overall energy boost throughout the day. Ashwagandha may also help increase the body’s oxygen consumption during exercise.
    • Coenzyme Q10Coenzyme Q10 is a compound that’s present in nearly every tissue in our bodies. However, increasing its concentration in the body could help boost antioxidant production and increase blood flow throughout the body—both of which could help promote overall wellness. 

    However, some reviewers raise concerns about the formula. While this product contains all of the other B vitamins, it appears to be missing folate (Vitamin B9). Folate can help prevent anemia and support DNA production.

    Considering the overall positive reviews, the reasonable price, and the innovative ingredients (in addition to standard multivitamin components), the Transparent Labs Multivitamin could be a good match for people living an active lifestyle.

    Best Cost-Effective: One a Day Energy Multivitamin

    One A Day Energy Multivitamin

    For a highly affordable multivitamin with a conventional energy-boosting twist, turn to the One A Day Energy Multivitamin. While it contains the standard array of vitamins and minerals that support overall health, its advertised energy boost comes from a not-so-secret ingredient: caffeine. 

    With an added 90 mg of caffeine, this formula will certainly give you a boost in alertness. Caffeine, after all, is a long-standing central nervous system stimulant. It may also help promote other wellness outcomes like:

    However, caffeine isn’t the right energy booster for everyone. Since it’s a stimulant, it may not pair well with people who are predisposed to anxiety. It might also overwhelm people taking other stimulant medications, like those used to treat ADHD.

    Some reviewers mention that this formula doesn’t provide the energy boost advertised. It’s possible that, since caffeine is such a widespread substance in today’s culture, 90 mg of caffeine (slightly less than the content of an average cup of coffee) may not be enough to increase alertness in people with a high caffeine tolerance. 

    While it’s a straightforward formula with a somewhat traditional energy-boosting ingredient, One A Day Energy Multivitamin may be a good choice for people looking to promote wellness on a budget.

    Promote Overall Wellness With Multivitamin Support

    While experts recommend getting as many nutrients from food as possible, the speed of life doesn’t always accommodate the perfect diet. Whether you’re looking to make up for lost meals or simply promote overall energy balance, turn to Vibrant Health’s Trilogy blend.

    As a long-standing wellness brand with a reputation for quality control, you can trust us to provide the highest quality products made from science-backed ingredients. That’s because truth, trust, and transparency are at the heart of everything we do at Vibrant Health. 

    Explore our complete collection of wellness products now to find your ideal health and wellness products.