This isn’t just any health blog. Here you’ll find wellness and nutrition tips, science news, and easy recipes. But our in-house experts will also give you daily inspiration and guidance to help you reach every health milestone.

Plant Protein and Heavy Metals: What You Need to Know

A new study by the Clean Label Project has uncovered the truth about what can be found in the market's protein powders‚other than the nutrients we expect.  The Clean Label Project, a non-profit organization, endeavors to educate and inform the public on the dangers of toxins in products and their adverse effects on our health. For protein powders, they posed a question: what's actually in the top-selling brands of protein...

6 Steps to a Premium Supplement

  What could it possibly take to make a batch of Green Vibrance? Find some awesome greens, whole foods and superfoods, powder 'em up, and mix them together, right? Well, sort of. But it's way, way more than that.   In fact, it takes four months from start to finish to make just one small batch of Green Vibrance. But the care and time we put into each batch is...

The Truth Behind Proprietary Blends

What's in that powder, anyway? A "proprietary blend" is a group of ingredients that may disclose every ingredient, but not the exact amount.They make their appearance on product labels, often with trademarked names like "Detox Blend" or "Greens Blend." The total weight of the blend per serving is indicated, but never the proportions of each ingredient.To make it even more confusing, some proprietary blends contain other proprietary blends. A blend...

Vitamin D and Athletic Performance

A recently published study1 has demonstrated a correlation between vitamin D levels and performance. The subjects they used were sixty-seven professional male soccer players whomthey measured for vitamin D level (25-OHD) correlations with performance during training season as well as the end of the off-season. What did they find? They found that vitamin D levels were lower during the testing pre-season vs. the testing post-season with performance between better pre-season...

Hydrate for Heart Health

Our bodies are about 60 percent water. Crazy, right? According to the American Heart Association, staying hydrated keeps your heart from having to work as hard because it helps it more easily pump blood through the blood vessels to the muscles. But staying hydrated is something I have struggled with my whole life. I can go an entire day without a sip to drink (besides coffee, which causes you to...

Green Superfood Face Mask

A healthy lifestyle doesnt just involve what you put in your body, but also what you put ON it. Our Green Vibrance superfood powder is our number one selling product here at Vibrant Health. Filled with essential beautifying ingredients, such as spirulina, chlorella, beet juice, spinach, green tea extract, plus SO much more! This amazing product will not only benefit you internally, but externally as well. Try our homemade superfood face...