4 Health Benefits of Napping and How to Get in the Mood for a Snooze

4 Health Benefits of Napping and How to Get in the Mood for a Snooze

March 15th marks National Nap Daythis year ‚ a day dedicated to, well, taking a nap. According to National Today, this unofficial annual holiday was founded in 1999 by a Boston University professor to make up for lost sleep from Daylight Savings Time (which occurs the day before). Whether you‚re feeling the effects from Daylight Savings Time (especially if you have kiddos with disrupted sleep) or you simply could use a good snooze, we‚re a big fan of taking a nap. And as it turns out, naps aren‚t just for little ones after all. This week on the Vibrant Health blog, we‚re sharing four health benefits of napping plus some tips to get you in the mood for a snooze. Why Napping is Good for Your Health & Wellness
  1. Regular Naps Benefit Heart Health
  2. Taking a Nap Can Boost Your Mood
  3. Naps Can Help the Body Recover From Lack of Sleep
  4. Daytime Naps May Improve Your Memory
  1. Regular Naps Benefit Heart Health
Heart health is super important and, you guessed it, naps may play a role in keeping your heart happy. In fact, a recent study found those who took one to two naps per week had less risk for cardiovascular disease events. Not to mention, regular napping may also help manage healthy blood pressure levels. Yet another reason why we heart naps!
  1. Taking a Nap Can Boost Your Mood
Need a pick-me-up? You may want to add napping to your wellness ritual! Research has shown that midday nappers were less impulsive and had a greater tolerance for frustration. And not only can adding a nap to your routine reduce negative reactions, but it can also help enhance positive, feel-good responses‚ particularly in those who experienced rapid eye movement (REM) sleep. Here are some additional ways to boost your mood and immune function this season!
  1. Daytime Naps May Improve Your Memory
We‚ve heard crossword puzzles may be good for your brain, but did you know napping may also do the trick? One study found that participants who took a daytime nap did significantly better when it came to both relational and associative memory performance. Not to mention, an afternoon snooze has also been linked to improved cognitive function in elderly adults.
  1. Naps Can Help the Body Recover From Lack of Sleep
Sleep is vital for your health and wellbeing, and over at Vibrant Health we‚re big advocates for healthy sleep habits. With that said, if you‚ve had a rough night of sleep (we‚ve all been there), a nap may help your body recoup. In fact, one small study in healthy adult males found that those who squeezed in a nap following a poor night of sleep were less stressed and showed greater immune health. Win, win! Quick Tips to Get You in the Mood for a Snooze At the end of the day, a nap could be just what your body needs to relax. Now that you‚re sold on the health benefits of napping, here are some quick tips to get you in the mood for winding down!
  • Create a peaceful setting with dimmed lights, light music or cozy blankets
  • Limit distractions by putting your phone on airplane mode and unplugging
  • If your mind is buzzing, try a quick meditation prior to your nap
  • Limit coffee or caffeinated beverages before your snooze
  • Set aside time in your day to take a nap (without feeling guilty about it)
Are you a fan of napping? Let us know how you‚re celebrating National Nap Day by tagging us on social @VibrantHealth DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended as a substitute for advice provided by a competent health care professional. You should not use this information in diagnosing or treating a health problem. No claim or opinion in this blog is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. If you are now taking any drugs, prescribed or not, or have a medical condition, please consult a competent physician who is aware of herb/drug interactions before taking any herbal supplements. The information presented herein has not been evaluated by the FDA or the Department of Health and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, cure, mitigate or treat any disease or illness.

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