29 Feel-Good Ways to Practice Self-Love This Month

29 Feel-Good Ways to Practice Self-Love This Month

It’s February, which is often recognized as a month all about L-O-V-E. And while expressing love toward others and having a Valentine is great, there’s nothing better than the love we give ourselves: self-love. Put simply, self-love entails loving yourself, while focusing on your own wellbeing and happiness. 

This February on the Vibrant Health blog, we’re sharing 29 feel-good ways to practice self-love —each and every day of the month.


29 Simple Acts of Self-Love

  1. Eat Some Dark Chocolate
  2. Wear Red for Heart Health
  3. Make a Vision Board
  4. Be Grateful for What You Have
  5. Practice Saying No
  6. Pay Yourself a Compliment
  7. Connect with Your Spouse
  8. Appreciate Your Body
  9. Read a Book…in the Tub
  10. Treat Yourself
  11. Surround Yourself with Feel-Good Friendships
  12. Give Yourself a Hug
  13. Take a Day for Yourself
  14. Make Yourself a Valentine’s Day Card
  15. Cook Yourself a Nourishing Meal
  16. Make am Empowering Playlist
  17. Show Yourself Kindness
  18. Dress to Express Yourself
  19. Give Yourself a Massage
  20. Let Go of Anything Toxic
  21. Try a Self-Love Yoga Flow
  22. Let Go of Comparison
  23. Cut Back on Social Media
  24. Get Your Superfoods
  25. Spend Some Time in Silence
  26. Practice Positive Affirmations
  27. Laugh it Out
  28. Go to Bed Early
  29. Forgive Yourself…and Others


February 1: Eat Some Dark Chocolate

It’s National Dark Chocolate Day, so go ahead and indulge. Not only is it a favorite sweet treat, but dark chocolate is good for you too. It’s rich in antioxidants and polyphenols, which studies show can reduce cardiovascular risk.


February 2: Wear Red for Heart Health

It’s time to rock the red in honor of National Wear Red Day. After all, there’s nothing like a bright red lipstick to boost your self-confidence. And today, there’s another meaning behind it. Wear Red Day spreads awareness around heart health, so while you’re at it go ahead and book that heart screening you’ve been putting off.


February 3: Make a Vision Board

Just because it’s no longer January doesn’t mean you can’t set some intentions for the new year. Create a vision board by getting some poster board and pasting various words and images — representing what you want to call in for the year ahead.


February 4: Be Grateful for What You Have

Expressing gratitude allows you to see how full your life already is. Boost yourself up by making a gratitude  list — writing down everything you are grateful for today.


February 5: Practice Saying No 

While it can sometimes be uncomfortable, setting boundaries by saying no allows you to say yes to the things that truly fill up your cup. What can you say no to today?


February 6: Pay Yourself a Compliment

It’s Pay a Compliment Day, so go ahead and say something nice to a friend or stranger. And while you’re at it, be sure to pay a compliment to yourself too. You deserve it!


February 7: Connect with Your Spouse

In honor of National Marriage Week kicking off today, set aside some time to give yourself (and your marriage) the love it deserves. Spend some time this week connecting with your partner — openly sharing your own needs. Here’s some helpful ideas to spark connection from a local Marriage & Relationship Coach!


February 8: Appreciate Your Body

It’s easy to pick apart your body or compare it to others. Pay attention to what you’re saying about your body — both to yourself and out loud — as words matter. How can you treat your body with kindness today, appreciating all it does for you? 


February 9: Read a Book…in the Tub

Feeling stressed or craving a moment of calm? Draw yourself a bath and get reading! After all it’s Read In the Bathtub Day. Not to mention, studies have shown that reading — even for a few minutes — can reduce stress levels by 68 percent!


February 10: Treat Yourself

When was the last time you treated yourself to something you really wanted? Take some time today to treat yourself to something that truly makes you happy — whether it’s a new outfit or succulent for your home!   


February 11: Surround Yourself with Feel-Good Friendships

The people you spend your time with can have a direct impact on how you feel about yourself, so be sure to surround yourself with positive, supportive, feel-good friendships. And in honor of Make a Friend Day, it’s the perfect time to step outside your comfort zone and meet someone new.


February 12: Ask for Or Give Yourself a Hug

Need a hug? Ask for one…or give yourself a big bear hug. After all, research has found that self-soothing touch and being hugged can reduce cortisol levels in times of stress.


February 13: Take a Day for Yourself

Are you always doing things for others? Lucky for you it’s officially Self-Love Day — your permission slip to take a day just for yourself. Whether it’s going to a spa, reading a book or taking a solo walk around the neighborhood, today should be all about you


February 14: Make Yourself a Valentine’s Day Card

You’ve bought a card for your sweetie and helped send in treats for your kid’s class, but why not make a Valentine’s Day card for yourself? Go ahead and write yourself a love letter…including everything you love about Y-O-U!


February 15: Cook Yourself a Nourishing Meal

A good, home-cooked meal is the way to anyone’s heart. Be your own chef today by preparing yourself a healthy, nourishing meal.


February 16: Make an Empowering Playlist

Want to feel confident and empowered? Make yourself a playlist filled with songs that inspire and lift you up. Ready, set…dance!


February 17: Show Yourself Kindness

It’s Random Acts of Kindness Day, a day dedicated to spreading kindness to others. And while it feels good to do kind acts, be sure to do something kind for yourself too — such as buying yourself flowers, taking a mental health day or posting a positive quote by your desk.

February 18: Dress to Express Yourself

Self-love is about appreciating yourself and everything that makes you unique. Dress in a way that makes you feel comfortable, confident and fully expressed!

February 19: Give Yourself a Massage

What better way to show yourself some extra love than by giving yourself a massage? Self-massage can be a great way to relieve stress, minor aches and pains. Here’s how!


February 20: Let Go of Anything Toxic

What in your life feels toxic? Whether it’s certain people you follow on social media or “friends” who are not supportive, it may be time to set some boundaries and let go!


February 21: Try a Self-Love Yoga Flow

Yoga is a great way to take time for yourself. Try this Self-Love Flow to move your body and help get the love flowing!

February 22: Let Go of Comparison

Comparing yourself to others makes it difficult to fully love yourself. Rather, focus on your own personal joy and accomplishments.

February 23: Cut Back on Social Media

Speaking of comparison, social media can be a big trigger. If you find your time on social media is weighing you down and evoking negativity, it may be time to cut back and do a digital detox


February 24: Get Your Superfoods

Ready to give your body a super dose of love? Your daily plant-powered superfood elixir is here! Packed with 56 nutrients, Green Vibrance has everything your body needs to feel healthy, vibrant and strong. 


February 25: Spend Some Time in Silence

It’s Quiet Day, encouraging folks to pause and appreciate being in silence. Take some mindful breaths today or try doing a guided meditation.


February 26: Practice Positive Affirmations

Positive affirmations are encouraging phrases or statements to help channel positive thoughts. Practicing positive affirmations such as “I Am Enough” can be a wonderful tool to foster self-love.

February 27: Laugh it Out

They say laughter is the best medicine and research supports that it can even promote positive physiological benefits. Go ahead and laugh it out — either with friends or yourself!

February 28: Go to Bed Early

Are you lacking on beauty sleep? Here’s your cue to go to prioritize sleep and go to bed early. Here’s how you can create a self-care night routine to set you up for a peaceful slumber.


February 29: Forgive Yourself…and Others

Are you holding onto resentment from the past? It may be time to give yourself some grace and let it go by forgiving yourself…and others.


DISCLAIMER: This information is not intended as a substitute for advice provided by a competent health care professional. You should not use this information in diagnosing or treating a health problem. No claim or opinion in this blog is intended to be, nor should be construed to be, medical advice. If you are now taking any drugs, prescribed or not, or have a medical condition, please consult a competent physician who is aware of herb/drug interactions before taking any herbal supplements. The information presented herein has not been evaluated by the FDA or the Department of Health and is not intended to diagnose, prevent, cure, mitigate or treat any disease or illness.