5 Feel-Good Way to Focus on Your Spiritual Health

5 Feel-Good Way to Focus on Your Spiritual Health

March is Spiritual Wellness Month, making it the perfect time to either start or strengthen your spiritual practice. Simply put, spiritual health entails working on your personal growth, connecting with your higher self and doing things that nourish your soul. Not quite sure where to start? This month on the Vibrant Health blog, we’re sharing five feel-good ways to focus on your spiritual health this season.  

  1. Meditate  
  2. Set a Seasonal Intention 
  3. Read a Spiritual Book 
  4. Keep a Journal  
  5. Eat a Clean Diet  

1. Meditate 

There’s no better way to quiet your mind and tune into your spiritual side than through meditation — which encourages mindfulness and living in the present moment. Not only can meditation help strengthen your spiritual wellness, but studies show it may improve physical and mental health too. Win, win! Start your morning with some deep breaths, try a guided meditation or get outside in nature for a walking meditation.  


2. Set a Seasonal Intention  

Setting an intention — a goal or vision — can be a wonderful way to tap into your spiritual side. And with spring in the air, now is a great time to get clear about how you’re feeling and what you want to call in for the season ahead. Check in with yourself, noting your core values, what brings you the most joy and any goals you have for yourself this spring. Then tune inward and create your seasonal intention!  


3. Read a Spiritual Book  

If you’re looking to boost your spiritual health, why not read a book on spirituality that sparks your interest? There are a number of great reads out there including The Four Agreements by Don Miguel Ruiz, The Universe Has Your Back by Gabrielle Bernstein and Eat, Pray, Love by Elizabeth Gilbert. Stop by your local library or bookstore to browse their spiritual selection!  


4. Keep a Journal  

If your mind is constantly racing and you find it hard to connect with yourself, journaling may help. Keep a journal on your nightstand so you can let out your thoughts — pen to paper. A morning “brain dump” can be especially helpful by writing out all of the stressors and “junk” in your mind so you can start the day feeling happy and clear-headed! 


5. Eat a Clean Diet  

We know that eating a wholesome, clean diet is good for your physical health, but did you know it can also support your spiritual health? After all, what you eat contributes to how you feel 

Plant-based diets have been touted for spiritual health and emerging research has even found a connection between a healthy gut microbiome (and nutritious diets such as the Mediterranean diet) and mental health. Keep your mind and body healthy by choosing a gut-friendly diet filled with fruits, vegetables, whole grains, beans, legumes, fermented foods and healthy fats.  


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